Visceral Manipulation

Dr Zab Visceral Manipulation

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral manipulation (VM) relates to the internal organs of the body and is a gentle manual therapy that assists the body to release restrictions that are associated with pain or limitations with movement.  The organs are interconnected with the nervous system and therefore are associated with the joints of the human body.  A VM practitioner does not necessarily work on the site of pain but rather the associated structures related to the problem.  Compensation patterns are created in the body typically far from the site of pain.  They assess the entire body for compensation patterns and apply VM techniques to assist the body to improve three-dimensional movement associated with the joints getting to the root of the problem and not just treating the symptom.

How Many Sessions Does it Take?

Since each patient's situation of injury, previous health history, and compensation patterns are different; the number of visits may vary.  Assessment with joint range of motion is typically measured before and after treatment sessions to observe mobility improvements and most people experience a significant improvement in three to five sessions while other complicated cases may require additional treatment.  Your therapist will help develop a plan that works for you.  Treatment is typically spaced out 1-2 times a month.

What Does it Feel Like?

VM is a delicate, hands-on manual therapy approach to treat the body. Underneath the pain or restriction is a compensatory pattern created in the body with the initial source of the dysfunction often being far from where the pain is felt due to the connectivity and referral patterns of nerves. Because of this, the practitioner searches holding patterns and the source, and treats the related tissues involved. The treatment is comprised of precise gentle engagement, mobilization and elongation of the soft tissues, and most specifically, the nerves. Most people don’t feel much but others are able to sense restrictions releasing in the body. As the source of a problem is released, symptoms will start to decrease and the body with improve in function.

Dr Zab Visceral Manipulation Manual Therapy
Dr Zab Emotions

Emotions are Stored in the Organs

It is well documented that our emotions have a great impact on how our body functions, and this is greatly due to how receptive organs are to our feelings. Different emotions have an affect with different organs. Emotional reactions can translate into simple spasms in the gallbladder or heartburn, vomiting, feeling faint, ulcers, upset stomach, high blood pressure, and serious diseases to name a few. When the brain receives negative emotions, it sends tension to the related organ, the organ then sends tension back to the brain resulting in a imbalanced cycle. Also, a physically damaged or imbalanced organ can stimulate emotional upset. VM can help free up this cycle, enhance the organ health, and restore emotional balance.

How Do Organs Contribute to Pain and Dysfunction?

The body is composed of many correlated and interconnecting components such as muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, fascia, organs, etc.  Organs are in perpetual motion as you breathe, walk, or move.  When our bodies are healthy our movement has optimal fluidity.  Organs loose mobility due to physical trauma, posture, diet, infection, surgery, pollution, pregnancy, etc.  When an organ becomes fixated to a restriction the body is forced to compensate, creating abnormal tension which contributes to irritation causing structural and functional problems throughout the body.  

Imagine someone having a whiplash injury.  The neck is quickly forced in a backwards motion and the brain tightens associated structures to protect the neck injury.  There are important ligaments that connect the heart to the lower cervical spine and the esophagus in the throat has a ligament that connects down on the small intestine in the abdominal region.  If these ligaments become tight and restricted from the trauma, it becomes another line of tension pulling on the neck causing pain which is why people may not get the relief they are looking for because many of these other systems become involved.  This is just one of just hundreds of possible ramifications of how compensation patterns occur throughout the body.

Dr Zab Physical Therapy
Dr Zab Visceral Manipulation Joints

The Complexity Of Joints

The detail and complexity of a joint is extensive.  Many of the components of the joints including bone, ligament, artery, capsule, cartilage, muscles, nerves, and fluids all need to operate properly for functional movement.  If one component of the joint becomes problematic the entire joint compensates and becomes affected.  Over time, this creates dysfunction in the joint and can have a negative impact with other regions of the body.  A skilled practitioner in manual therapy can identify multiple components of a joint to help free restrictions to help the body heal and restore itself to optimal health.

The Importance Of Proper Nerve Function

The Nervous System is composed of the brain, spinal cord, and a network of branching peripheral nerves that connect and communicate everything together.  It acts as a communication highway in the body and when not functioning well creates pain and loss of function.  Did you know that in a split second, peripheral nerves send messages to the brain from a billion stimuli?  This system allows the brain to quickly and accurately interpret information which is why the nervous system is so important for movement.  Nerves function best when they have freedom around neighboring structures.  Fixations along nerves creates compensation patterns limiting movement which makes the bodies search for equilibrium more difficult. Nerve manipulation techniques are useful to allow the proper movement of the nerve and the associated structures.

Dr Zab Visceral Manipulation Proper Nerve Function

How Did Visceral Manipulation Begin?

Jean-Pierre Barral is a world-renowned Osteopath and Registered Physical Therapist from France.  

He is a master of cadaver dissection and began studying strain and trauma patterns in cadavers as he learned more about biomechanics in living subjects.  This led him to his work of visceral and neural manipulation.  He developed a manual therapy which focused on internal organs, nerves, their fascial environment, and its potential influence on human movement structural/functional dysfunctions.  He has been teaching his curriculum in the United States since 1985 and has trained a team of numerous international instructors that teach around the world.

Time magazine named Jean-Pierre Barral, “one of the top healing innovators to watch in the new millennium.”

For more information please visit


Visceral Manipulation Benefits

Do you suffer from the following:

  • Joint pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Spine injuries
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Meniscus injuries
  • Arthritis and limited mobility
  • Whiplash injuries
  • Concussions
  • Digestive disorders
  • Acid reflux
  • Swallowing dysfunction
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Tendonitis
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Low back pain
  • Sciatic symptoms
  • Sprains
  • Neuralgia and Neuritis
  • Scar tissue restrictions
  • Carpal tunnel symptoms
  • Fibroids
  • Anxiety/depression
  • And so much more!

Therapeutic Results - Testimonial

Mild foot pain started in the sole of my feet and I began home treatments, however, the pain worsened and traveled up to my ankles with limited flexibility in both feet. Went to several great doctors who did laser treatments, x-rays, MRI, and various other tests. They were unable to identify any ailments or treatments to help improve my condition. Then, rib pain began and ability to open and close doors became impossible. Over a period of years, the pain became like a sharp stabbing in the shin bone and I was unable to walk and take deep breaths. Eventually, walking became nearly impossible as I needed the assistance of walls or anything else for support a walker became the norm. Ultimately, my entire body was experiencing bone pain and I was unable to lift myself out of a bed or a chair. I began to crawl to stay off my feet and my hands had limited use. More tests, more great doctors with exceptional expertise – however, I was left without any treatments that provided improvement. A friend recommended I contact Dr. Chad to inquire about Visceral Manipulation and other treatment options. He listened, took notes, reviewed my two binders of previous doctor visits and test results and let me know he believed he could help. After several visits I began to be able to walk better with less pain. After all treatments I’m now walking pain free for over a year – you should know…. Dr. Chad never provided treatment to my feet. They weren’t the source of my pain. Two words describe my experience with Dr. Chad – life changing! I’m pain free and living a normal life again. Life Changing!

- Nichole

Dr Zab Visceral Manipulation Testimonial

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